Thursday, September 9, 2010

Starting the journey!

Well some of you and been telling me that I needed to start a blog for a while now and I have always been to scared to start! But after loosing 60 pounds and feeling like I am starting on a new journey in life I thought what a perfect time! I can't promise there won't be mis-spellings so if that drives you crazy you might want to stop reading now! I little about me, is I am a mom of 4 wonderful kids who I love to pieces but can drive me crazy everyday! I have been married to my wonderful husband for 9 years and I am sure I drive him crazy every day! Anyways I have lost 60 pounds since Jan. and am still going. I have been working on myself inside and out and let me tell you the outside is so much easier to fix then the inside. I am christian and I love the Lord and want to say I lean on him for everything but that would be a lie but I inspire to get to that place! I have a very strong passion for teens and teen moms and can't wait to see how the Lord uses me in those areas very soon. Right now I have a daughter in high school and one at home who I am potty training so I have it all!! Anyways I am currently working our most mornings with a group of wonderful ladies who come to my home and we have our own personal gym going! I love it and its cheap! They are all Christian woman and we are keeping each other accountable. I am trying to tweak my diet to a life style change and not just a diet and that is a work in progress. I am posting a before photo and one where I am at right now. Its hard to believe the changes and how far I have come. Well I will keep writing if you keep reading. Love to all!
